Article Processing Charges

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Article Processing Charges

Biotory Publications follows a transparent and inclusive approach to article processing charges (APCs) and publication ethics. Here is a concise model statement:

"Biotory Publications is committed to promoting open access to high-quality research. To cover the costs of our operational system, we charge authors APCs upon the acceptance of their manuscripts for publication, after rigorous peer review. We recognize the importance of equitable access to publishing opportunities and offer fee concessions and waivers to authors from developing countries on an individual basis.

As a token of our appreciation for the time and effort invested by our regular reviewers in conducting detailed peer reviews, we provide them with the opportunity to publish their work without the Rapid Service Fee, pending peer review, for every three reviews completed per calendar year.

It's important to note that Biotory Publications is a non-funded organization and does not receive financial support from public or private sectors. The APCs paid by authors enable us to maintain the quality and accessibility of our publications, ensuring that all articles are published as open access, thereby benefiting the global research community."

This statement reflects Biotory Publications' commitment to open access, fairness in APCs, and recognition of the valuable contributions of peer reviewers while addressing its financial sustainability as a non-funded organization.

A cover letter on institutional/personal letterhead is required for each submission.

Country Case Report Research Article Review Article Mini Review Short Communication/Commentary Any other type of articles
High Income $1299 $1499 $1399 $1199 $999 $899
Middle Income $849 $949 $849 $749 $549 $649
Low Income $429 $529 $429 $329 $329 $299