Author Guidelines

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Reviewers play a crucial role in maintaining the quality of articles submitted to Biotory journals through the peer-review process. Here are the roles and responsibilities of reviewers to the following guidelines:

Contribution Appreciation:

Reviewers are highly valued for their efforts in improving the quality of submitted articles through peer review, enhancing journal standards, and contributing to the intellectual literature. Biotory acknowledges and certifies reviewer certificates as a token of appreciation.

Reviewer Selection:

Editorial Board members select reviewers based on their expertise in the subject matter of the article. Reviewers can accept the invitation to review based on their availability. If there are delays in completing the review, inform the editorial coordinator promptly.

Code of Conduct:

Reviewers must maintain fairness, impartiality, and avoid bias in their assessments. They should provide constructive feedback to help authors address any issues with their manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest:

If reviewers have any conflicting or competing interests that may affect their impartial review, they should disclose them to the editorial board and decline the review if necessary.

Decision Making:

Reviewers should evaluate the scientific merit of the manuscript and make a decision on whether to Accept, Suggest Minor Revisions, Recommend Major Revisions, or Reject. Provide comments explaining your decision and any required revisions.

Final Decision:

The Editor-in-Chief (EIC) has the ultimate authority to decide whether an article should be published. The EIC considers the reviewers' comments while assessing the suitability and originality of the manuscript. Reviewers should respect the EIC's decision.


Biotory journals follow double-blind peer review standards, meaning reviewers should not contact the authors and must maintain anonymity. Keep the manuscript and related information confidential, and do not share them outside the review team.

Reviewer Benefits:

While reviewers are not paid, Biotory journals provide benefits and recognition to reviewers for their contributions. Reviewers are acknowledged and credited for their valuable service within the research communities.